Taking Australia Evaluation on your own and seeing the points score go above 60 or 70 can be misleading. You just tick a few options and your score card appears on your computer screen. That's what it is. But then only an expert with in-depth knowledge of Skill Assessment, Qualification Assessment, etc. can be a true guide. Therefore, Keywest has partnered with Registered Migration Agents in Australia. So that when you intend to take Australia Evaluation, you can consult the RMAs sitting in Australia; obtaining every minute details of the process. RMA Consultation on Evaluation is a service that lets you consult with the Registered Migration Agents. It is to help you, as an applicant, understand where your application stands. And what could increase your point score. All you need to do is talk to Keywest experts. We will guide you on evaluation and also help you get your details evaluated by registered migration agents.
Our deliverable if registered for an Australia visa process: